Sunday, October 28, 2012

2012 Revelstoke Sunflower Contest Winner

Joan and Paolo win the contest with their monster plant, Valentina.

Joan measures Valentina's head  on September 15, 2012 when the diameter was 18 inches.

Sunflower Contest Runner-Up Provides Growing Tips

First Runner-Up: Pauline and Cathy

Pauline and Cathy's Russian Mammoth велика голова (Big Head) continued to grow and grow and grow. As of October 8th, the stalk was 4 inches in diameter and still growing. They were hoping then that the weather would turn cold to stop its growth. They worried that they would have to use a tractor to pull it out of the ground. Unfortunately, the contest closed on September 15th and because велика голова was a slow grower, it is First Runner-Up.
Big Head's big head in October 2012.
Cathy has provided two informative links for sunflower growing advice. Take heed for next year.